How Do We Find Hope In This Trying Time

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Can I just say that this has been an interesting week? We went from normal everyday life, to essentially total lockdown. It makes one question so many things. I have been through so many emotions during this time. Thankfully, my hope is in the Lord. No matter what happens here on this earth, He will be there and I have been assured of my future. This time here on this earth is fleeting, but eternity is where I am putting my hope. If you are struggling with feeling lost or hopeless, I recommend you read the book of Psalms. There are many chapters that are uplifting and give tremendous hope. Chapter 23, 46,62, and 91 are where I would start. If you have questions, please feel free to comment or send me an email. I am praying for all of my followers right now. I hope you are all safe, healthy and know that God is our strength and deliverer.


I’ve listed some previous blog posts you might find encouraging

Finding I Am, which has several posts

Jesus Makes the Darkness Tremble

Encouraging One Another

5 Reasons We Need Community

Seeking God’s Purpose in Our Life

The Benefits of Journaling

I hope some of these posts bring you encouragement. We can have hope and know God’s love. In these trying times, it is important to connect with people even if its over technology. But even more important is to connect with God. I find painting to be a great way to feel God’s presence. It is a form of worship for me. Especially, when I am just creating to create. Find ways to spend time with God getting to know Him better. It will be worth it.


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