Wendy Scarbrough

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5 Seconds of Bravery is All It Takes - The Artist Life

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you know what you want to do, but you're too afraid to take that first step? Maybe it's speaking up in a meeting, talking to someone new, or even trying a new hobby. Fear can be paralyzing, but it doesn't have to be. Fear is not our enemy. Courage is being afraid, but doing it anyway. My sorority's motto was “Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.” Anything worth doing will have struggles, and overcoming fear is usually one of the first and most important.

5 Seconds of Bravery

Courage doesn't mean being fearless. It means being afraid but taking action anyway. And the good news is, it only takes five seconds of bravery to get started.

Five seconds may not seem like a lot of time, but it's enough time to take that first step, say those first few words, or make that first move. Once you've taken that first step, it becomes easier to keep going. Try counting down from 5 and taking off like a rocket. Propel yourself into the unknown. Find your courage. It’s right there in those 5 seconds.

 5 Seconds Can Mean the Difference Between a Boring Life and Joyful Life

Think about it this way: if you're standing at the edge of a diving board, ready to take the plunge, the longer you stand there, the harder it becomes to jump. But if you count down to five and jump, you'll be flying through the air before you know it. Then you will experience the joy of that moment. If we don’t take those first steps, we will never know what we could accomplish.

The same principle applies to other areas of life. If you want to start a new project, but you're feeling overwhelmed, just take five seconds to make a plan or write down some ideas. If you want to speak up in a meeting, take five seconds to gather your thoughts and take a deep breath before you start talking.

We All Experience Fear At Some Point In Our Lives 

Of course, it's easier said than done. It can be scary to take that first step but remember, you're not alone. Everyone experiences fear and self-doubt from time to time. The key is to acknowledge your fear, but not let it hold you back. Our fear is keeping us stuck. Sure we may fail, but really what is the worst thing that could happen? You belly flop instead of diving smoothly in the water. It’ll sting for a minute, but you will know better what to do next time. Speaking to someone new? Of course, they could be mean or rude to you, but in a few minutes, how much will that really matter? The next person is bound to be nicer.

It’s Personal 

The more you practice taking five seconds of bravery, the easier it becomes. And over time, you'll find that you're able to face your fears and take on new challenges with confidence. It’s kind of like a muscle. Start small. Let’s say you have always wanted to get up on time in the morning. Practice counting down and spring yourself out of bed. Don’t hit that snooze. Get living your best life. And our best life is not found in bed while hitting snooze. This is one that I have been working on myself this year. I was a chronic snoozer. This year I determined if I want to grow my business and be there for my family, I have to get motivated and stop wasting my time snoozing in the morning.

Starting this blog back up was also filled with 5 second moments of bravery. I didn’t think I’d have anything to say. Who would want to read about my thoughts on art and home decor? Who would care if I started this journey? But you know what? I am not doing this for others. I hope you all find great information and I can help you to grow in your own life, but I am doing this for me. And that’s the best reason.

 So next time you find yourself hesitating, remember that courage only takes five seconds of bravery. Embrace that fear, count down from 5, and leap! Take that first step, and who knows where it might lead you? What will you find on the other side of those 5 seconds?

Diving Deeper (You Know I Had to Go There)

If you want to dive deeper into this concept, a great book that I read was called The Five Second Rule, by Mel Robbins. It’s short but packed full of inspiring stories.