What is a Christian Artist?


(This post contains affiliate links.)Something that I am really excited about is getting involved in our church's creative arts ministry again.  As a Christian artist, I am ready to get more involved.  It is something that I was a part of many years ago, but I stepped back after having my third and fourth babies a year apart.  They made my life full and my time limited.  Recently, our church hired a wonderful couple to run our worship and creative arts.  This has been a great addition to our church.  The vision they have brought is wonderfully creative and innovative.  They have such a passion for the creative arts ministry.Now that my kids are older and I have less time, lol, I decided it was time to get involved again.  I have struggled with how to become involved.  I struggle with something that I am sure others artist struggle with: Feeling like we are good enough to call ourselves artists.  Have we done enough?  Are we making what people want to see or buy?God is truly amazing because just as am getting going on my journey as an artist, He has the wife of this amazing team start a small group bible study for artists.  We are using the book Creative Call by Janice Elsheimer.  This has really been an answer to prayer.  I have been asking for guidance and for God to show me a path.  People kept telling me I could sell me hand-lettering and watercolors, but I wanted to make sure that I was doing it for the right purpose.  Sure, we all want to make money, but I wanted to make sure that I was doing it for God.  Bringing people closer to God and having a deeper relationship with Him is my ultimate goal.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through Him all things

were made: without Him nothing was made that has been made.

John 1:1-3

I've only just begun this study, but I am so excited to see where it takes me.  To begin with, it got me thinking about what it truly means to be a Christian artist.

Christian Artist

Christian Artist

What is an Artist?

What the World Says

First, I want to talk about what I believe it means to be an artist.  Most of us would agree that painters, musicians, dancers, sculptors, and other standards like these would be considered artists.  But what about gardeners, bakers, and architects?  Or let's take this a little further.  What about engineers, writers, masonry workers, or woodworkers?  I believe that an artist is someone who creates something. When looking up the definition, it was basically anyone who creates art.  Well, duh!  So, looking up what art is I found this definition:

Art - the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects.

I don't know about you, but this seems lacking even in the standard way of thinking about the arts.  What about dance or music.  These are more than objects.  And to be aesthetic doesn't seem to encompass the whole that is art.  Not all art is pleasing to behold.  Some of it is dark or disturbing.  Sometimes, I think that is a good thing.  As Christians, we need reminders of the darkness that is in this world.  We shouldn't run from it.  But we also need to be careful to not let it drag us in with it.  Knowing and acknowledging it is one thing.  Partaking is another.

"We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth."

-  Pablo Picasso

What I Believe

I believe that art is anything that is created and that can invoke emotion or cause one to think in a new way.   A building can invoke many emotions.  Some are calming and others have an energy that causes you to feel like you are ready for an adventure.  A garden can evoke a peace and connection to nature.  Even a chair that has been crafted will give you different emotions.  We are surrounded by art all day, every day.  Everywhere we go.  We just need to choose to take notice.  We also need to realize we all are creators and can make our creations a work of art.

Christian Artist

Christian Artist

What is a Christian?

If you are reading this post, then I assume you most likely know what a Christian is.  But, for those that are exploring Christianity or are just starting to seek God and His Will, I am hoping to help you figure out the basics.

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

-  John 3:16-18

It's a Relationship

Being a Christian means we have a relationship with Jesus, and therefore, God.  We acknowledge that we are sinners and that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins.  Sinning is when we do something that distances us from God.  God is holy and therefore we must be holy to be in His presence.  We must ask God to forgive our sins.  When we ask, He forgives.  It is as simple as that.   Even the devil believes in Jesus.  So, we must do more than just believe in Jesus.  We have to acknowledge our sins and repent.  Repenting means that after we acknowledge our sins, we need to turn away from them.  Repenting is a lifelong process.  We will never be free from sin in this fallen world.  But take heart! Jesus has concurred sin by paying the penalty for us.

24 “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

- John 5:24

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

- John 16:33

When we accept Jesus's gift of forgiveness, we start with a clean slate.  We can approach God.  We have been made holy through Jesus.  But, we must remember to repent.  We will falter, we will sin.  This is why Christians will ask for forgiveness before they ask God for anything.

God is Our Father

As you learn more about God, you will want to show your love for Him in more ways.  He is an awesome God who is worthy of our devotion and praise.  Think of it as a parent and child.  Parents want their children to love and respect them.  But there are times when children disobey.  Your parent still loves you, but they need to know you understand what you did wrong and you will try to not do it again.  God is the same way.  He loves us unconditionally.  But, He wants the best for us and wants us to live the best life we can.He had people record His Word, the Bible so that we would know Him and know what we are to do.  It can seem like it is overwhelming, but he wants us to spend time with Him and get to know Him.  So even if your earthly family hasn't been loving, He always will.  You just have to get to know Him.  I promise, if you take the time to honestly get to know God, you will not regret it.

What is a Christian Artist Then?

God is the Ulitmate Artist

Well, God created everything in the whole universe.  He created every person in it as well.  Everything that is created was either by God directly or by God gifting someone with the talent to create.  So, you could say that God is a Christian artist.

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

- Genesis 1:1

God is the biggest storyteller, greatest painter, most extravagant gardener, etc.  He is the one who creates us to be who we are.  He has given each of us gifts and talents.  We must choose whether we will use them for His purpose or not.  The amazing thing is, He uses everyone's talents and gifts, even if they do not believe in Him.  He can accomplish amazing things without anyone's help.  What we must realize is that He wants us to partner with Him in this world.  He wants to take His message through us and out into the world.  We can be His conduit to reaching His people.  So, anytime you make something, even if it's making your bed, think of it as making it for God.  He can use an orderly decluttered home as a place of peace and comfort to someone who is struggling and needs that calming space.  He can use a flower garden to brighten someone's day.  A beautiful painting of Christ's crucifixion can bring someone to acknowledge His sacrifice.   A verse written on your wall can remind you of lessons you have learned from your journey with Christ.

Our Call as Artists

We as Christians must decide who we are using our talents for.  Using our talents for Christ does not mean we have to put a verse or the name of Jesus on everything we do.  But we need to realize this is an opportunity to partner with God to reach those who do not know Him.  We are called to spread the Gospel.  Even if we use secular ways to do it.  Creating alone is a sign of God.  The world just refuses to see it.  We must not ignore His work.  We must create with the eternal in mind.  That is what a Christian artist is.

If you want to start somewhere with art, but are struggling, try checking out my post on Bible journaling.  It is a great way to express yourself to God first. Sign up for my newsletter[mc4wp_form id="168"]Contact me with any questions or comments [contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /][contact-field label="Website" type="url" /][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea" /][/contact-form]


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